Category Archives: Golf Workouts

Articles on good strength workouts that will help you hit the ball further.

6 pack abs…are they really worth it?

Most people want 6 pick abs, even if they pretend they don’t. I myself have fallen victim to this desire to have perfectly scalpted abs, and for about twelve months I actually pursued this goal. The end result was a pretty good looking body. My body is still good looking, but I’m not even close to the level of obsession I experienced when chasing the 6 pack.  I learnt two extremely important lessons from this experience.

Are they really worth the price?

Say goodbye to enjoyable eating for the next three months

The first thing you need to know is that your diet is the primary determinant of your body fat.  A combination of hardcore cardio and intense weight training comes in a close second, but as Arnold Schwarzenegger and every other body builder under the sun will tell you, good abs are made in the kitchen. The general problem then, is that most people eat like shit. So if you really do want 6 pick abs, you need to multiply your interest in what you eat by about four hundred and twenty percent.

The second and by far the most important thing you need to know is that having a six pack doesn’t get you laid.  Being fat is most definitely a hindrance, jiggly body parts don’t get too many people excited, but all that means is that being thin is the most important thing.  It simply isn’t necessary to look like some Greek sculpture with perfectly chiseled abs. Being thin is more than enough for most people. The reason I say this is because one of the selling points behind the 6 pack obsession of contemporary society is that it will automatically result in a queue of smoking hot girls whose sole purpose is to satisfy your every whim and desire, but that is just a fantasy which is attached to the 6 pack philosophy. And don’t get me confused, I’m not saying you can’t have tonnes of good looking girls chasing you, but having a 6 pack  will do next to nothing in terms of improving your relationships with women.  There are far more important things in life…like golf for instance.

Ultimately, if you want a better body, I believe it is far better to have strength, fitness and diet goals, rather than the exceptionally vain and not-as-rewarding-as-you-think goal of having a 6 pack. Not only will you avoid the trap of being obsessed with your body image, you will have more mental energy for things which matter a whole lot more.

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Filed under Golf Workouts

A solid three day workout

Contrary to popular belief, increasing your strength and muscle mass will not reduce your flexibility. If you are a steroid user, then you might limit your mobility, but for the vast majority of people a solid weight training regime will improve strength, flexibility and balance. This will help you generate club head speed and power, leading to bigger drives and longer iron shots.  Just admit it…everyone wants to hit the ball longer. Going to gym will help you do exactly that. The following workout is designed specifically to improve all-round body strength, especially core, trunk and leg strength.

Day 1: Chest and Triceps

Barbell Bench Press 3 sets X 10 Reps

Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Bench Press

Incline Bench Press 3 sets X 10 Reps

Incline Bench Press

Incline Bench Press

Decline Dumbell Press 3 sets X 10 Reps

Decline Dumpbell Press

Decline Dumpbell Press

Dips 3 Sets X 10 Reps

Good old Dips

Good old Dips

Machine Tricep Extensions 3 Sets X 10 Reps

Machine Tricep Extensions

Machine Tricep Extensions

Standing Dumpbell Tricep Extensions 3 Sets X 20 Reps

Dumpbell Tricep Extensions

Dumpbell Tricep Extensions

Day 2: Back and Biceps

20 Pullups (Take as many sets as you need to get to 20)



Deadlifts 4 Sets X 10 Reps



Bent Over Barbell Rows

Bent over Barbell Rows

Bent over Barbell Rows

Bicep Curls 3 Sets X 10 Reps

Bicep Curls

Bicep Curls

Lat Pull downs 3 Sets X 10 Reps

Lat pulldowns

Lat pulldowns

Day 3 Shoulders and Legs

Squats: 4 Sets X 10 Reps



Dumpbell Lunges: 3 Sets X 10 Reps

Dumpbell Lunges

Dumpbell Lunges

Leg Press: 3 Sets X 10 Reps

Leg Press

Leg Press

Dumpbell Shoulder Press: 3 Sets X 10 Reps

Seated Shoulder Press

Seated Shoulder Press

Front raises: 3 Sets X 15 Reps

Front raises

Front raises

Lateral Raises: 3 Sets X 15 Reps

Lateral Raises

Lateral Raises

Just to reiterate, these workouts will leave you feeling a little bit stiff the day after, but in the long run they will significantly improve your strength and flexibility. This regime will increase your yardage of the tee from anywhere between 10 and 40 yards, depending on how seriously you take it and how often you practice.

PS- If you don’t believe me,  give Tiger Woods, Gary Player or Jason Zuback (four time winnner of the Long Drive World Championships) a call. I will be posting a video of Jason shortly, because he is the ultimate proof that being strong helps generate club head speed and power.  And stop pretending that you don’t want to hit the ball further, because you do. Every golfer does.

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Filed under Golf Workouts