
Dave Pelz’s Short Game Bible

Reading a good golf book is one of the best ways to improve your game. The key decision is choosing the right book, considering how many golf books are available. First off,  you absolutely must buy Dave Pelz’s Short Game Bible. The short game philosophy offered by Pelz is possibly the most important information you will ever read in a golf book anywhere. The best part about his book is that it is scientifically based, everything he says is provable to the nth degree, unlike some golf books which are more intuitively based. I firmly believe that after reading the Short Game Bible your entire outlook on how to play the game of golf will have changed for the better. Pelz’s book will make you appreciate exactly why the short game is so important, and more importantly, Pelz provides the best techniques and methods to improve your  short game.  Owning, reading and understanding the material in this book is crucial for any golfer who wants to improve his or her game,  so stop wasting money on magazines and purchase Pelz’s book. It really is a Bible.

Possible the most important golf book ever written

Possibly the most important golf book ever written

Ben Hogan’s 5 Fundamentals

The first thing you need to know about Ben Hogan’s 5 Fundamentals of golf is that Earl Woods used this book to teach Tiger how to play the game. Obviously he would have communicated the message slightly differently than Hogan does given how young Tiger was when he learnt the game, but the fact remains that much of Tiger’s swing success can be attributed to Earl’s understanding of Ben Hogan’s book. The second thing you need to know is that Ben Hogan is generally regarded, along with Moe Norman, as the best ball striker of all time. This was no accident however, and success did not come easily or naturally for Hogan. If anything, he was the least natural pro of his contemporaries, and it took him three attempts to make it onto the PGA tour.  Essentially what this means is that he had to use his mind to overcome his swing faults and develop one of the most repeatable and consistent swings in the history of golf.  Although much of what he says seems almost common knowledge now, his explanation of each fundamental principle is described and illustrated in detail. This makes it exceptionally easy to understand what he is saying, the pictures tend to make the whole book very easy to understand.

Hogan's Five Lessons

Hogan's Five Lessons

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